
Work Smarter Tip 2

Work smarter not harder tip #2...

Multiple income streams.

Even if you’re totally in love with your business and what you do, it never hurts to have more than one offer so you can make money 24/7.

There are so many different types of income streams, that there’s bound to be a few that are a perfect fit for you and your business model.

You can choose from affiliate offers, network marketing products, packaging your expertise into online courses, offering co-creation or consulting services, or many, many, other options.

Multiple income streams help you create true financial freedom so you can work smarter, not harder.

If my income was 100% dependent on me sitting at my computer designing websites, I’d never be able to take a whole month off to travel the world with my daughter.

Or I’d be the mother who is backstage on her laptop while her daughter shines on the catwalk. Missing some of the most important moments of her life at a time when she’s nearly old enough to do this on her own.

Instead, I get to enjoy this with her and give her my full attention.

Without wondering how we’ll pay for the hotel rooms or plane tickets.

And when we get back home to Australia, I won’t be scrambling to find my next clients to pay off the credit cards.

When you’re ready to explore multiple income streams, get in touch. I’ll show you the ones that have been the most profitable for me.

In the meantime,  check back tomorrow for tip #2!

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